It's been a week, my friends. So much wonderfulness happened including:
- My book went on sale at bookstores everywhere and also as an ebook in the UK! (UK Paperback coming in May)
- Readings at the lovely Book Culture on Columbus and Books Are Magic.
- Making so many lists of wonderful February books like this and this and this and this.
- Publisher's Weekly named me a Debut Writer to Watch!
- I got to gab about my book on podcasts and in print.
- I published stories here and here and here.
- And an essay about teaching my daughters to be rude that I'm super proud of.
- I spoke to so many amazing readers and friends in the signing line. I met a few new dogs. I probably wrote a few weird things in your books.
- I got a lot of love---nail art! staff pics! shots of my book in the wild! excited friends!---that I'm riding high on.
Thanks for an amazing first week for BACK TALK! More to come!